Nuevo proceso de reciclaje para convertir los residuos de envases flexibles multicapa en recursos.

“Apoyo financiero de la GVA-AVI y la Unión

Europea a través del FEDER”

Nos complace anunciar la exitosa conclusión del proyecto titulado “New recycling process to convert multi-layer flexible packaging waste into resources“. Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por la Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) and the EU through FEDER within the Value Chain Consolidation Program 2022, which has allowed progress in the research and development of innovative solutions in plastic recycling.

Main objective

The main objective of this project has been to optimize and validate the delamination process that we have developed at Fych, focused on the recycling of flexible multilayer packaging that contains inks and coatings. Through various stages, which include laboratory optimization, the design of a microperforation and pilot scale tests, we have managed to obtain a high quality recycled plastic, suitable for high added value applications. In addition, the project also had the objective of studying water recovery after delamination and carrying out a life cycle analysis of the process.

Results obtained

As a result of this project, the optimal conditions have been determined to carry out the microperforation of the multilayer flexible containers that contain inks and other coatings, achieving a reduction in delamination time between 2 and 3 times compared to samples without microperforations. In addition, a water-based formulation has been found to delaminate and deink said containers and the rest of the process parameters have been optimized. Next, the process has been validated on a pilot scale from a technological, economic and environmental point of view, achieving the delamination and deinking of post-industrial and post-consumer flexible packaging.

Also, various process water treatment options have been proposed, such as filtration, decantation, precipitation and ultrafiltration for the recovery of reagents and a life cycle analysis of the process has been carried out in which it has been determined that our delamination process produces greater benefits for the climate change category than other conventional recycling processes thanks to the fact that it avoids the emission of almost 4 times more CO2eq into the environment.

Differential value compared to other alternatives on the market

Regarding the differential value of patented technology at Fych, compared to others on the market, has been differentiated due to two main innovations: the use of microperforations and the use of surfactants as delamination and deinking agents.

As a result, technically and economically viable mechanical recycling is achieved that produces a lower environmental impact than other emerging methods (such as chemical recycling) and that allows obtaining high-quality recycled plastic thanks to the elimination of inks, adhesives and other coatings.

Currently, there are only four companies offering technologies for recycling multilayer plastics. However, these technologies present various limitations and disadvantages that hinder their scalability in the international market. At Fych, we have addressed and improved these aspects through our value proposition, which is based on the following reasons:



The project has been a success by developing an innovative process for recycling multilayer flexible containers, improving the techniques of delamination through microperforations and surfactants. This method guarantees obtaining high-quality recycled plastic, while significantly reducing CO2 emissions and its environmental impact. Our patented technology not only overcomes the limitations of current methods, but also provides a more efficient and cost-effective process, positioning itself as a potential viable solution for the international plastic recycling market.
